My SISU blog posts

Mitä kohtuullisuus on?


Teemu Koskimäki, Arto O. Salonen ja Aleksi Neuvonen

Hyvä elämä on kaikkia ihmisiä yhdistävä päämäärä, johon pääseminen edellyttää riittävää elintasoa ja elämänlaatua. Jotta hyvä elämä olisi rajallisella maapallolla mahdollista mahdollisimman monelle, tarvitsemme tuotannon ja kuluttamisen kohtuullistamista. Mutta miten kohtuullisuus kannattaisi määritellä?

My blog posts on Medium @teemu.koskimaki

  • Scientific Consensus on Post-Growth over Green Growth
    by Teemu Koskimäki on September 29, 2023 at 13:00

    According to new research, a scientific consensus is forming for a new economic paradigm that looks beyond growth. This post presents proof and answers why green growth no longer seems viable.At […]

  • Recap of the Beyond Growth Conference
    by Teemu Koskimäki on May 21, 2023 at 13:06

    A historic European Parliament-hosted event just took place, asking how to let go of economic growth and forge a path beyond it. Here’s a recap of what happened, summarising some of the key […]

  • My experience of doing a PhD abroad
    by Teemu Koskimäki on November 29, 2022 at 09:00

    Doctor of Philosophy in Ecological Economics. From Finland to Australia and back. Through bushfires and a pandemic.I am from Finland, so… why Australia? Well, I wanted to understand the underlying […]

  • Capturing galaxies with a DSLR
    by Teemu Koskimäki on July 25, 2021 at 03:48

    From photos of the night sky to cosmic reflections about the history and future of planet Earth.Technical details of the imaging process at the end of the post.A few days ago, I noticed from my […]